Monday, February 23, 2009

Breastfeeding-the first few days cont.

Be responsive to your baby, but recognize that there are other ways to soothe besides being put to the breast. Other people can soothe your baby also. This idea will disturb some people, but babies have the capacity to securely attach to one than one person. Some of the best adjusted families are those who have help come in for the first week. This allows moms to get much needed rest and babies to be nurtured by others.

Some babies have very little interst in the breast for the first few days. These babies hold out for the milk. They are vigerous nursers who empty the breast of colostrum within a few minutes and then have no desire to nurse. Once the milk comes in they are very content.

Proper latch is vital in a good nursing relationship. If it is painful to nurse, there is a problem. Seek help in establishing a good latch. Call your midwife, a LaLeche League leader or member, your childbirth educator, a postpartum doula, or a lactation consultant. Don't wait unitl you have a crisis on your hands and you are ready to throw up your hands and quit. Get help early. If your nipples are sore, a tsp of salt and 1 cup of warm water will do wonders. Follow that up with lanolin cream. Don't use soap as it is very drying.

If you are concerned about milk supply, 6-8 wet diapers a day indicates enough milk. If you still have questions, get your baby weight. The average baby will gain about 6-8 oz a week.

Feed yourself. You will feel much better and produce milk better if you are well rested, have enough fluids and are eating enough...about the same as you were eating in pregnancy.

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