Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Avoid C-Sections

As I read this article this morning I was saddened by the fact women have, in many areas, lost their ability to birth naturally after a c-section. This makes birth choices even more important.

The thought that kept coming to my mind was how can we avoid the first cesarean. I have a heart for those women who have had cesareans and want the option of a VBAC, but my hands are tied. Most women do not go into childbirth desiring to have major abdominal surgery.

Here are some things to consider:

  1. Educate yourself. Even if you don't desire to have a natural birth, take a non-hospital based class. You will learn about many other aspects of pregnancy, labor, birth, postpartum, baby care and self care. These classes are usually several weeks long. There is a reason for this. You can only retain so much information at one sitting. You will have questions come up after you get home, write them down. If you don't take a class, read and research on your own, ask questions, prepare for you birth. I love The Thinking Woman's Guide to Better Birth by Henci Goer. The other reason to educate yourself is you don't know how things will go with your birth. Your epidural may not work, you may have a very fast labor and there not be time for medication, you may be stranded on a desert island...ok that one is a bit of a stretch. Would it not be better to be prepared than terrified of what is happening to you.

  2. Choose your care provider carefully. Find out what their c-section rate. Find out how many of those c-sections are primary vs. secondary. What is their attitude towards c-sections? This can be altered due to the number of high risk patients they work with, but even that may be a clue to you. Interview the hospital or birth center where you plan to deliver. Ask the same questions. Some facility protocols are normal birth friendly than others. Remember in the rest of the world midwives care for normal, low risk women, doctors care for high risk women.

  3. Choose carefully who is with you during birth. Your support person is vital to the success of your birth. Only invite people expect a positive outcome. If you are birthing in a hospital setting or a birth center that does not offer labor support, hire a doula or invite a friend who can help you reach your goals.

  4. Avoid induction. The rate of induction has skyrocketed! There is a convenience factor for both families and care providers but the risk are huge. When you are induced, you opportunity for having a vaginal birth plummet. There is a delicate dance between mom and baby as to the right time to be born. Babies go through the final stages of developement, moms bodies prepare for labor. Everything works in perfect harmony, leading to shorter, more productive, more satisfying labors and births. The old addage the apple will fall when it is ripe is so true.

  5. Avoid unnecessary intervention. Intervention, when necessary, can be life saving. When used unnecessarily, intervention can lead to higher risk. An example, the simple introduction of IV fluid in the bloodstream distrupts the natural balance of hormones needed for labor to continue. To get labor back up to a productive level, pitocin must be added. Pitocin leads to more painful contractions because of the way it acts of the uterus and brain. Pitocin requires closer monitoring which inhibits movement. It can also lead to fetal distress. Less movement, more restraint and more pain often leaves moms with little option other than asking for pain relief. This is usually in the form of epidurals. Epiruals limit mobility which can cause malpresentation making labor longer and more difficult if not impossible. Most women don't realize when the allow an IV to be placed, they are actually signing up for a "package" deal which could very likely completely sabbotage their orginal plans of a normal birth.

Childbirth is a normal process. Let's not give up our ability to have babies normally. Count the cost ahead of time.


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